ECE 5554 / ECE 4554: Computer Vision Fall 2018Instructions
Part 1: SLIC Superpixels (50 points)OverviewSuperpixel algorithms group pixels into perceptually meaningful regions while respecting potential object contours, and thereby can replace the rigid pixel grid structure. Due to the reduced complexity, superpixels are becoming popular for various computer vision applications, e.g., multiclass object segmentation, depth estimation, human pose estimation, and object localization. In this problem, you will implement a simple superpixel algorithm called Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) that clusters pixels in the five-dimensional color and pixel coordinate space (e.g., r, g, b, x, y). The algorithm starts with a collection of K cluster centers initialized at an equally sampled regular grid on the image of N pixels. For each cluster, you define for a localized window 2S x 2S centered at the cluster center, where S = sqrt(N/K) is the roughly the space between the seed cluster centers. Then, you check whether the pixel within the 2S x 2S local window should be assigned to the cluster center or not (by comparing the distance in 5D space to the cluster center). Once you loop through all the clusters, you can update the cluster center by averaging over the cluster members. Iterate the pixel-to-cluster assignment process till convergence or maximum iterations reached. For more details, please see SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods, PAMI 2012. Write-up
Part 2: Graph-cut Segmentation (50 points)OverviewLet us apply Graph-cuts for foreground/background segmentation. In the “cat” image, you are given a rough polygon of a foreground cat. Apply Graph-cuts to get a better segmentation. First, you need an energy function. Your energy function should include a unary term, a data- independent smoothing term, and a contrast-sensitive smoothing term. Your pairwise term should include uniform smoothing and the contrast- sensitive term. To construct the unary term, use the provided polygon to obtain an estimate of foreground and background color likelihood. You may choose the likelihood distribution (e.g., color histograms or color mixture of Gaussians.). Apply graph cut code for segmentation. You must define the graph structure and unary and pairwise terms and use the provided graph cut code or another package of your choice. Write-up
Graduate credit (max possible 30 points extra credit)In your answer sheet, describe the extra points under a separate heading. Modern interactive segmentation
SLIC superpixel
Graph-cut Segmentation
AcknowledgementsThis homework is adapted from the projects developed by Derek Hoiem (UIUC) |