Welcome to ECE 1574
Welcome to ECE 1574. This is the main location to get information for the course, find about assignments and get the notes. Grades will however, be posted in Scholar.
- I've (finally) started grading the blogs. If you have not done them, do them now. Make sure you are posting to your blog not the ECE 1574 Uberblog.
- The final exam will be given on Monday May 12 from 2:05 to 4:05, room is Squires Colonial. If that time/day is bad for you, please let me know and we can discuss the alternate times. The two alternate times are Friday, May 9th at 7:45AM and Tuesday May 13 at 7:45AM. Both of the 7:45 AM exams are in Whittamore 300. Send me an email if you need to take the exam at the alternate time.
- The midterm exam will be Monday March 24 in class. We will review for it on Wednesday.
- The SWEL Schedule is updated. Please make use of it to find times to see the TAs if you have questions.