the README file is state very clearly. Because we have learned the python and also did the homework in python which make the compile very easy. The program is need little bit more time to make is running good. I enjoy to play this game.
This program can compile but there are one or two bugs in this program.
Yes! It is a escape game!
It is djffldsa organized source code. Like they have to show how the house work, room.yaml showing all the data.
THis game is the first game I played in a unix based system. It use python to write which make it very unix. The simple code and complie is useing the unix philosophy “make it simple and stupit”. Even a person who did not understand computer can run and play this game. THis output of this game is very clean, palyer can understand what is going on.
2.This game still need to continue develop becasue the story is very simple and sometime it will crash. Some of the feature like the “lock” and “item” need to imporve.