Dark Forest, Light Humor
The directions are very easy and correct. I had no trouble getting the program to run on my machine. The program compiles with warnings but no errors. Everything works as advertised and I did not find any bugs.
The code is very well organized and it is easy to follow/understand. It is fairly modular. This could be improved by having more functions that do the work in main. However, it would not be hard to reuse the majority of this code for a similar game.
The only change that I see, to make the project more “Unixy” would be to add more functions and have all of the output text in a separate file. You did this mostly in the story.rjar file but this could have been used even more with the intro. I thought the “Multiple Choice” style made the game much faster and easier to play, that was a great idea.
This was very well done and enjoyable to play (even though I died). I was surprised at how many potential paths there were and this showed how much work you put into the project. Great job!