Review of Hangover Escape, a creatively humorous idea with potential
The game that I have have chosen to review is Hangover Escape:
This game can be found at: The README supplies very little information, but by looking at the python files on the github page, I knew that no compilation or makefile was needed. I installed all of the provided files and ran:
$ ./
I ran into some syntax error and unfortunately I was unable to run the game.
The code that was provided was very readable and had a minilistic design. The names of the files gave me a very clear idea of what to expect inside of each file. This program follows a structure of files which expand from a specifc room class to a world class and then a game class, this is a clever of making a small project to appear as a larger project.
Use of unix philosphy:
- The creators of the Hangover Escape adhere to the Unix philosophy of simplicity and modularity by separating their game into individual files which implement an object oriented approach to a game.
- This is a very fun idea and I would love to see the dialogue that would go into the game, I will be sure to check to try and play the functioning game. I could not determine the exact source of error I had when running this game, but I assume it may have something to do with the files being imported into