My review for Theseus and the Minotaur
There was no compilitation needed. The instructions for adding python to the path aren’t even necessary since we are just running the game on the server. Execution was very simple, the command the author gave worked flawlessy. Using the instructions are very straightforward and the game was very easy to use, although very hard and at times almost impossible. However, I’m not very good at puzzle games. The program is written in python so compiling is needed, it runs with no errors. The program does work as advertised
The code seems to very well organized. There are plenty of source files that each have their own specific task in terms of moving the minotaur or theseus. I do like the case style for changing levels, I think I would have implemented it the same kind of way. The different files seem to quite modular are isolated in what the task that they have to complete.
This game uses an interface pattern very similiar to the Rogelike patter. It takes key stroke input that moves a character. The game also uses common commands like q to quit. I think this interface pattern is the only to make an adventure puzzle game like and that using this patter was a good choice. The program follows the rule of silence quite well, there is very little text except for instructins at the beggining and end of each major event, i.e. winning or losing a level.