A quick review of a well made game
The project_hangman was easy to use and I am not sure if the readme had anything about the make instructions because i alreak new how to do that.
The code was easy to read and was well organized. The use of functions to simplify the code needed in the main function to run was very good and impressive as well. I know that many people say to move functions into another file but I am someone who oftern writes my functions in the same file as well so I appreciate that I didnt have to switch files when I needed to reference the funcitons made.
I think that this code follows the Unix philosophy well for a few reasons. The code outputs only what is necessary to continue and understand the game. Also although it is not split up into different files, the code does partition into necessary functions that all complete one specific task seperately.
One change I would make with the game however is have the game display the word that is wrong after the player has lost so they know what word caused them to lose. And the code should display the underscores and letters seperated by spaces or have a letter counter so the player knows how many letters are in the word they are guessing.