Tricky Little Minotaur
This game was extremely fun. The instructions were very clear and explained how to play and compile the game on all of the Operating Systems. I had no problems with the game and worked as advertised. The controls were very easy to use and standard computer moving controls with the w,a,s,d buttons. Also had very convient restart and new game buttons and I really like how there are many levels and progressively got harder. Overall I thought it was a very fun game
The source code was very easy to read and well organized. For the most part I understood what they were doing and made a lot of sense. It is very modular, they had files for each part of the game which really helped knowing exactly what the finished product of each file was doing.
The structure of the code is definitely modular. They used different files for each part of the game which helped a lot when trying to look at specific peices of the game. Then the play game file brought all the other files together to make the game whole. The game also followed the rule of clarity. The code was not very confusing at all and was very easy to follow. They did not use that complex of structures and was very neatly organized and spaced. Overall the program is very user friendly. They make it easy to exit the game and restart the game anytime while playing. When you lose or win the level it explains if you want to restart or go to the next level. These instructions allow the user to not have to worry about additional commands and makes it very simple to play.
The only thing I ran into while playing the game is when I try to move the character really fast the whole screen will blink on occasion. I do not know exactly why it does that or if it can be fixed but just wanted to make a comment about it.