ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

Dark Forest Review


The ‘Dark Forest’ game was extremely eleborate! I can tell that the developers put a ton of time into this project. It was extremly easy to use all I had to do was:

  • make
  • ./Forest -n

and I was off playing the game!


The code was extemly easy to read. The developers obviously have a lot of experienece codoing because the main loop consistes of function calls, while all the guts of the program are in the helper .cpp files.

There was a very stong use of object oriented programing. For the game they used a class called action that basically kept track of the area you were in and what actions the user could do. Then for login they used an authentication class to read and write from their Data.dat.

Overall great style and very easy to read!


This code is idea for Unix. It is extremly modual with very little entry points.

While playing the game it is very simple they give you only a few options, which makes it easy to play.

Although I do have a few critieqes when it comes to the game.

  • It would be nice to be told enter a, b,… at first I tried to type in the path and it didnt work,
  • Also at one point I entered in an invalid path and it took me to a screen telling me to enter a valid path, but I couldnt see the valid paths anymore.
  • Maybe give me a little more direction as to what I am suppose to do? I played for an hour going around in circles and never beat the game.
  • Insted of forceing the user to enter in at execution time -r or -n for new or returning, have them do that right when you run the program. It would make it much more simple.

Overll it was a great Unix design with a strong sense of madularity, there were only a few things I would change.