Pick a number, and number
The Resistor Colorband Calculator is very simple and easy to use. It compiled just fine using the instructions in the README and ran without a hitch.
While the program is easy to use, it is not very modular. There is one function apart from main called getColor, which does as it describes, and returns the Color based on an input number. All the other code is in the main function.
The code itself is very easy to follow, however it is lacking in comments. It could benifit from a couple of comments explaining what various aspects of the code does, but besides that it is nicely formatted and easy to read. At least for someone who has programmed in C before.
The one Unix Philosohpy this program follows very well is simplicity. It takes a problem that many people have (figuring out resistor codes) and solves that issue in a simple manner. It works well and is easy to use.
My main suggestion is that this code could be more modular. A lot of the code is contained in the main function which is not the best of programming practices. error checking is slightly broken, where if you enter a number with letters in between, such as (43g67) it will detect it as a valid input. However if you input (g4367) it will see that as invalid input. Also if you enter a very large number (such as 100000000000) the program does not output anything. Other than that it is easy to use, and does its function well.