Set up a Blog
Last modified
Use an existing blog
If you already have one, you may certainly use an existing blog for this class. I will filter the feeds to only syndicate posts made on or after the first day of class of the current semester.
If you are actively blogging for another class or personal use that is fine as well. I find it useful to read posts on completely different topics as it can help me better integrate this class into what is going on elsewhere. However, if you do not want your non-ECE2524 related posts to show up on the class be sure to provide an RSS feed that filters out your desired posts. If you need assistance with setting up a filtered RSS feed for your particular blogging platform please ask!
Set up
Any blog service that offers an RSS/Atom feed will do. If you don’t have any preference then consider setting up an account at Blogs@VT.
Get started, get into a routine
Getting in the habit of blogging is hard. It is very common to have difficulty starting because you feel you “don’t have anything to write about”. Or if you do that “it’s not good enough” or you need to “think more about it” first. I’ve experienced all these excuses and more, and so has everyone else I’ve talked to who has started blogging. I will give a prompt for the first blog post, to help you get started, but in general the assignment is very open ended, and that’s the point. Write about how you feel about what’s going on in this class, or any other, write about a particular assignment, write about world issues that you’re interested in (and try to relate it back to Unix/Linux/Open source… I can almost guarantee that there is always a connection to be made between any two topics, no matter how different they may seem). I am looking to see that you’re making connections between technical details and philosophy, or making connections between Unix philosophy and other domains of knowledge.