High Level Program Structure
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High Level Program Structure
- serialize/marshalling: transform a stream of bytes to in-memory data structures
- deserialize/demarshalling: transform in-memory data structures to a stream of bytes
Code Structure
Common Unix interface design patterns have common code structures associated with them.
The Filter Pattern
Read data on standard input, transform it in some way, and write the results to standard output
Standard Variation
when output can be produced after reading a single item
Examples: tr
(by character), grep
(by line)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* variable declarations */
/* CLA parsing */
while (( /* deserialize one item */ ) != EOF) {
/* central algorithm */
/* serialize one item */;
Sponge Variation
when all data must be read before any output can be produced
Examples: sort
, wc
, wordfreq
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* variable declarations */
/* CLA parsing */
while (( /* deserialize one item */ ) != EOF) {
/* insert item into data structure */
/* central algorithm */
/* serialize list of items */;
Some filters can read input from a list of files named on the command
line instead of reading from standard input
Examples: cat
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE* fp;
/* variable declarations */
/* CLA parsing */
if ( /* there are file name arguments */ ) {
while ( /* there are still file names in argv */ ) {
fp = fopen(...);
/* filter pattern using fp as input */
} else {
/* filter pattern using standard input as input */
Note: A catlike
filter pattern may utilize the
standard variation or the
sponge variation.